
    Potential Supplier Registration
    • Name
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Company
    • Category
      Please Choose Category
    Upload File
    • + Company Profile
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
    • + Business License
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
    • + Account Opening Permit
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
    • + Non Use Prohibited Substances Certificate
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
    • + Integrity and Honest Guaranty
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
    • + Supplier Social Responsibility Guaranty
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
    • + Supplier Basic Contract
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
    • + Survey of basic information of suppliers
      Scanned copy of company introduction stamped with official seal, basic information must be consistent with business registration information
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    NO. 2198 Kaifa Avenue East Section, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province
    Copyright © 2024 Zhejiang Crystal-Optech Co., Ltd.CopyRight浙ICP备13035140号-1


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